Rosemary Mashed Potatoes

Many people claim to hold the secret to the perfect mashed potatoes. But the truth is, there is no secret! All you need is the right ingredients/method and you’ll get the perfect fluff every. single. time.

Rosemary Mashed Potatoes

Course: Side Dish
Author: The Mill Town Kitchen


  • 3 Russet Potatoes
  • 1 stick Butter
  • 1 tbsp Fresh Rosemary (finely chopped)


Preheat your oven to 375
  • Wash your potatoes and puncture several deep holes throughout using a fork
  • Coat your potatoes with olive oil
  • bake for around an hour, give or take, depending on the size of your potatoes.  When a fork can easily slide into the potato, it’s done.
Cut up your stick of butter and put it in a large bowl
Split your potatoes in half and scoop them out into a separate bowl.  Using a potato ricer, rice your potatoes on top of your butter.  Add rosemary, a good pinch of salt and pepper, then fold to combine.  Taste for seasoning before serving.
Ricing the potatoes while they’re still hot will melt the butter as you go and using a ricer makes for the perfect mash each and every time…you don’t even need to add cream, although I’ve never heard of someone saying no to cream.  Enjoy!

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